Hey, I'm Dan Chernopolskii

I'm a program manager. I love building products and capable teams, tinkering with cars and electronics, photography and cats.

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Get to know me!

I've worked with creation of extremely capable teams for years now. I'm fortunate enough to have worked with incredible professionals that taught me incredible things, trusted me with their knowledge and personalities and I'm hoping to share this experience forward.

I'm always looking for something in AR/XR space and robotics, ideally oriented towards helping people with disabilities. I would love to work on the implementation of things that will help people! Anything in the field of device development, AI implementation in daily life, Platform implementation, potentially Cloud.


My Skills

Program ManagementFinancial PlanningProduct ManagementSoftware Development MethodologiesSupplier, Account ManagementReact*NIXC++GithubResponsive Design


Here you will find some of the personal and clients projects that I created with each project containing its own case study

This website

This website

Yes, this website. I found myself in the spot where job market is extremely volatile, my resume is in-between positions and my programming skills haven't been refreshed since 2020. I decided to see if I can pick up React and create this to support my resume. You can check out the code below!

ReactNode.JSProduct management
Implementation of a company-wide Hackathon events

Implementation of a company-wide Hackathon events

Introduced the concept of Hackathons in North American part of the company, later scaled to company-wide. Developed front-end of the Hackathon website, developed MVP of backend. Engaged a team to finish the product, organized communication and events around Hackathon organization

ReactNode.JSProduct management
Enabling effective monetization of connected car data

Enabling effective monetization of connected car data

Built the MVP platform that would allow data monetization in automotive fleet insurance use cases. Read gps and visual based monitoring and predictive maintenance for fleet vehicles. New architecture had been submitted as an Open-Source standard to SOAFEE. Utilized S32G ARM SOC boards with CAN Bus and OBD2 connection. Organized entire product delivery cycle starting with chip delivery to Moter and finishing with in-vehicle testing.

C++WindRiver LinuxAmazon AWS
Automatic RTK base station assignment to a field

Automatic RTK base station assignment to a field

Implementation of the system of automatic RTK base station switch according to a GPS position and related field. Enabled off-hands operation and removed errors in boundary mapping, as well as boundary drift for existing fields. Yes, that's me in the tractor.

C++QTGen4OSWindRiver Linux
AutoTrac Headland Boundaries

AutoTrac Headland Boundaries

Implementation of the feature that helped farmers to better plan automatic machine turns while autopilot is engaged, by creating virtual boundaries of the crop, field, or aligning to physical boundaries of the farm, and then calculating the turn radius based on multiple parameters, such as implement width, machine type, and, of course, boundary parameters.

C++QTGen4OSWindRiver LinuxMatLab
Advanced TCM Calibration

Advanced TCM Calibration

Implementation of a completely new method of performing yaw and pitch calibration for Cab and Implement installed GPS receivers. That feature is now used on every single machine produced as part of factory calibration process AND by every farmer using the equipment for on-land corrections.

C++QTGen4OSWindRiver LinuxMatLab
Operations Center

Operations Center

Implementation of several parts of John Deere Operations Center, business-critical online operations management system that enables complete data sync between machines, management of the multiple farms and job sites, and provides Farm Managers with comprehensive information on field and work status. Our teams helped to bring this product to market.

C++QTGen4OSWindRiver LinuxMatLab
Precision Construction Technology

Precision Construction Technology

Based on the previous experience with bringing up Operations Center, created a MVP for the Precision Technology management dashboard for construction equipment. Team created mapping, balancers, machine connectivity, dashboard for job site management and comprehensive statuses for machines.

React.JSNode.JSAmazon AWSAmazon S3ElasticacheDynamoDB
HarvestLab Connect

HarvestLab Connect

Imnplementation of the iOS application and connection point for streaming data from the grain analysis device.

Prime Brokerage Cross-Margin Risk and AnalysisSystem

Prime Brokerage Cross-Margin Risk and AnalysisSystem

Risk and Margin analysis for Prime Brokerage, real time risk assessment, liquidity analysis and a platform for managing cross margin on the portfolios.

React.jsNode.jsSpringApache SparkSybaseSolarisOpenSUSE


Introduction to Software Development

Introduction to Software Development


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Android / Kotlin interview questionnaire

Android / Kotlin interview questionnaire


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Getting the thoughts out

Getting the thoughts out


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Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like to work together!